Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Yep, its alive, i`m alive my 2 person game studio is alive and our first project is alive . What started as (and i hope it continues as) a 4x Hybrid now is in indev faze as players have team colors, although predefined , can connect to each other via direct connect* and can shot themselves and their friends** into oblivion with this very basic game we call X-craft***.
*routers, firewalls, or closed ports may cause connection problems
**up to 32 possible connections but only tested with 2 players
*** its just the real time combat part of the 4x hybrid since that gonna be half the action and the most fun part to code.

Here is our first piece of game art:

and also the fabled version:

Please note that it contains a ton of placeholders and the main reason i`m making this blog is for the community feedback however small or unresponsive that community will be.  Please feel free to contribute with anything from suggestions to actual volunteer work since this game is indie. unless it evolves into something perfect in which case is 1.99 euro, which isn't the case cause its crap for now. Enjoy ;

Update : i just remembered i forgot to include controls :
top buttons increase engine speed or weapon power by diverting power to one or the other (there is a fixed energy pool so you cant have boot at max)
left click on a top button to decrease to level of allocated energy

bottom-left control the weapons, follow the blue line to determine which button fires which weapon .
- one of the buttons there fires all the lasers at once
WSA keys : move.

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